“ The more space we can tolerate inside ourselves for what we don’t know, or understand, the more deeply we can perceive and feel. The more deeply we can be and become ourselves.” This, Janina!! How beautifully and wisely said. Thank you for being you!

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Janina Lamb

I'm with you all the way and was so happy to read this as the Holidays approach....Keeps my spirit from faltering and helps me stay open....even to what I don't like [not very open but I'm working on it.] Best of all Holidays to you. Linda

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Janina Lamb

I'm hearing back from a whole mess of people, of many stripes, solids, & polka dots, who felt nourished, inspired, & comforted by your notecards this past week!

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