Hands to. heart I say, "Thank you for this posting. I will read it over during the week, more than once most likely. "

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As always, I appreciate you. Musing on these words of yours now:

"Which brings me to explain what I mean by vulnerability feeling safer than screaming. I think what it means is that if and when I can loosen up my limbic fear of death (which finds its form in fear of identity death), it becomes clear that I desire to align myself with a field of awareness that transcends identity. And the more real that field appears to me, the safer I feel in perceiving myself as part of it, rather than depending on anxiety to protect me from it. That may not be the greatest explanation, but it’s a start. I’ll keep trying."

Hmmm... so, when you say you'll "keep trying" I'm guessing that you mean not only that you'll keep trying to convey your current in-this-moment experience using more resonant (or "better") words, but also that you'll keep opening up your experience. How that might affect your words, who can say?

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