Janina - how wonderful to receive this out of the blue from year so many years after coming across your beautiful Pledge Allegiance to the Earth! Maybe you might like to engage with our team for Equinox Earth Day events March 19th (day long in New York)? Noting themes you wrote about, I have been going through a very difficult separation (final it seems) from my 23 years long partner. I have a stack of books and online material helping me to understand what happened with us, where we got stuck in negative loops. Most useful has been the books by Susan Johnson on Emotionally Focused therapy for couples - Hold me Tight is one of them.. Also, Gabor Matte's book and online lectures on trauma. So I sense you know some of this territory as well? love your "toons" and wish you the best for this endeavor. I collected quite a few interesting things that my granddaughter said ages 3 - 6 and imagined them in cartoon format. My daughter could probably do the drawings but she is too busy with Intl. Brazilian Opera Company. Just to say how much I appreciate your high-minded spirit and your artistic abilities. If you are ever near south central PA do come visit! - Alanna Hartzok 717-357-7617

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Alana, thanks so much for writing. It's good to hear from you. I'm so sorry you are going through a difficult time. I'm also thinking and reading about the release of trauma. It's hard and scary and necessary and wonderful. I put your number into my contacts. xo, Janina

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